Invoice and Payments

How can I receive an LMT invoice?
  • The easiest way to receive LMT invoice is at our self-service portal My LMT. The invoice can be viewed and paid by authorising via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank.
    You can view the invoice and pay for it in My LMT app by authorizing via internet bank.
  • You can receive information on the invoice (invoice number, amount, payment term) also in your e-mail, by signing up at My LMT or any LMT Customer Centre. If you want to receive this information via text message, sign up at My LMT section Saziņa ar LMT (Contact LMT), by authorising via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank, or any LMT Customer Centre. 
  • Invoice delivery by mail is a charged service – 1.96 €/month.
    We kindly ask you to refuse from the paper invoice already now and further receive your invoice at My LMT!
    You can refuse from the paper invoice at My LMT section Saziņa ar LMT (Contact LMT) by authorising via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank, or any LMT Customer Centre.
How can I find out how much I have spent this month?

There are several ways to find out the amount spent (for your number).

  • 24/7 in the Invoices section of My LMT –> Current info.
    If you access My LMT for the first time or have forgotten your password, text P to 1640 and receive a password.
  • By calling the toll-free LMT Infoline 8076 8076 and following the directions.
    If you do not have to choose a language, press 1 (information about an invoice) and then again 1 (information about the current invoice). You will be informed about the amount that has accumulated until you call during the current month. Please remember that this option is not available abroad.
  • By texting i to 29319999.
    You will receive information about the number of your calls and text messages, data consumption and the amount of your invoice calculated for the billing period that has not yet been invoiced to you. This amount does not include the monthly charge for your tariff plan or services.
What are the advantages and possibilities offered by My LMT invoices?
  • Easy and instantaneous access to the last three invoices in My LMT – from any device, at any time or place where you have access to the Internet.
  • Invoices can be paid simply and easily. When you pay via My LMT, we receive the payment instantaneously and no further confirmation is required.
  • It is possible to open, save or print the invoice at any time.
  • The invoice cannot be lost and only authorized persons have access to it.

Please note! You can view the invoice and pay for it by authorizing in My LMT via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank, while in the app these options are available with authorisation via internet bank.

How can I enter/change the e-mail to which my LMT invoices should be sent?
  • You can specify or change the e-mail address for receipt of the invoice by authorising at My LMT via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank and specifying the e-mail address under section Rēķini (Invoices) – Rēķinu iestatījumi (Invoice Settings) – Rēķina informācija (Invoice Information)
  • Come to any LMT Customer Service Center.
If I would like to receive my LMT invoices by mail, what should I know?

Any LMT customer may use this option – receive his or her monthly invoice by mail only for 1.96 € (incl. VAT) a month. But we cannot undertake any responsibility for delivering them directly to you. Thus, we recommend to receive invoices electronically – via My LMT and/or by e-mail. It is not only easier and faster, but also greener!

To receive an invoice on your e-mail, authorise at My LMT via the internet bank, eSignature or Smart-ID and indicate your e-mail address under chapter Profils (Profile) – Kontaktinformācija (Contact information) – Rēķina saņemšanas informācija (LMT invoice information).

What should I do if I would like to receive another copy of my LMT invoice?

Invoices for the last three months are available in My LMT section Rēķini (Invoices), but if you need an invoice for an older period, please send an application in My LMT section Saziņa ar LMT (Contact LMT). These options are available by authorizing via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank.

How can I receive LMT invoices of the last year?
Invoices for the last  18 months are available at My LMT section "Rēķini" (Invoices) by authorising via Smart-ID, eParaksts or internet bank.
What should I do if I can't view the LMT invoice in My LMT?
You can view the invoice and pay for it by authorizing in My LMT via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank.
What should I do if I can't view the LMT invoice in My LMT app?
You can view the invoice and pay for it by authorizing in My LMT app via your internet bank.
What should I do to include my identity number in the invoice?

There are three options to include your identity number in the invoice.

  • Activate this option in My LMT under Rēķini (Invoices) by authorizing via Smart-ID, eSignature or internet bank.
  • Write to from your invoice e-mail address, indicating your LMT customer number, or call 80768076.
  • Go to the nearest LMT Customer Centre.
What else should I know about my LMT invoices?

Electronic authentication of LMT invoices (authorization)

Internal control and user authentication and authorization processes that we employ to generate invoices are extremely safe and ensure the integrity of invoicing data, as well as compliance with our charges and tariffs, and their application principles. When an invoice is generated, our technical systems ensure that each and every invoice is authenticated (authorized) by substituting the signature of the responsible official with a reference that is identical for both types of invoices. As a result, electronic LMT invoices are identical to paper invoices.

Pursuant to the Electronic Communications Law, all of our electronic communications agreements are prepared in writing. As a result, the invoicing address indicated in the LMT Services Agreement may be changed only by a written notice. Pursuant to the terms and conditions of, “for the purposes of the Civil Law an electronic document authenticated by a user shall be considered equivalent to a written document personally signed by the same user.” Thus, any authentication on that is completed according to the Electronic Communications Law shall be considered equivalent to a personally signed document (hard copy). Furthermore, when you request electronic invoices from, the above allows us to ensure compliance with the Accounting Law regarding a bilateral agreement on electronic exchange of supporting documentation and electronic authentication (authorization). 

According to the LMT Services Agreement the “Subscriber may request to activate or deactivate a Service via an LMT connection number, an e-mail or other electronic means of communication in cases provided for in the terms and conditions of use and description of services, as well as in the Agreement. Such request is equivalent to a written notice by the said Subscriber.” These terms and conditions also stipulate that the “LMT shall have a right to send information to the Subscriber’s connection number or address by means of electronic communication. Such information is binding on the Subscriber and shall be considered equivalent to information provided via a paper document.”

Pursuant to the LMT Services Agreement this description of a service shall be considered an integral part of an executed paper LMT Services Agreement. As a result, the Subscriber may print the said description, if needed, and attach the printout to the LMT Services Agreement as a binding document.

Please note!
Services that you used abroad may appear in your invoice with a delay of one month – depending on when we receive the respective information from the foreign operator.

How can I manage the invoices of another customer?

Such an opportunity is provided only with authorization. Find out more about authorization options.

* Text a command, if you want to subscribe to the service for a specified fee already now. Information about the right of wirhdrawal (lv). In case of one-time purchase, the service is provided at once, without applying the right of withdrawal.

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