
What is a premium-rate call?
Premium-rate calls are calls made to infolines, voting lines, entertainment and donation lines. Anyone can call these numbers irrespective of the tariff plan.

Spending limit of a calendar month – 300 €. This is the total amount you can spend for Mobile payments, Mobile content services, Google Play purchases and premium rate calls.
How to block calls to premium-rate numbers?

Come to any LMT Customer Service Center and lodge a request. 

You can also send the scanned and signed request to

Why can’t I donate by phone?

It is possible that calls to premium-rate numbers have been disabled in your phone.

How to block the warning signal that beeps when I call premium-rate numbers?

Come to any LMT Customer Service Center and lodge a request. 

You can send a scanned request to

Data processing information

Before using LMT services, please read the data processing information provided by LMT which is carried out as a part of Mobile payments (Mobilly payments, Mobile content services, Private payment, Media content, Google Play purchases). LMT as a data controller pays the utmost attention to these issues. Within the scope of the services provided by LMT we process the data only in the necessary amount and period that arises out of the substance of the service and the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations. Within the scope of the MOBILE CONTENT SERVICES basic data, e.g. connection number, etc., as well as electronic communications metadata, including traffic data – information related to the provision of electronic communications services – may be processed. The purpose of the data processing is to implement the selected service, including to ensure the related quality, payments and solving of the submitted issues, if any, as well as the implementation of the binding laws and regulations. The basis of the data processing is the requested LMT service and the implementation of the related laws and regulations. Such processing is the precondition for the execution of the transaction, and failure to provide data may fully or partly delay or interrupt the provision of the transaction. In respect to his/her data the LMT customer is entitled to exercise his/her rights specified in the laws and regulations. Find out more about the data protection implemented by LMT and the rights in the area of data processing in LMT Privacy Policy.

As regards data processing by the LMT cooperation partner itself as a controller, please read the data processing report of the specific data controller. This controller is independently liable for the data processing under its control and for the exercise of the rights of persons involved.

* Text a command, if you want to subscribe to the service for a specified fee already now. Information about the right of wirhdrawal (lv). In case of one-time purchase, the service is provided at once, without applying the right of withdrawal.

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